Identity & Credit
We continue to be the top choice among human resource professionals who are striving to hire the best applicants amid ever-growing concerns about integrity, liability and security.
Social Security Trace
Our Social Security Number trace product is an online, real time search that provides up-to-date information on an applicant’s past addresses and movement patterns based on name and social security number (SSN). The SSN trace is a crucial component of criminal history research and is used to determine a candidates previous residence(s), confirm date of birth, and any other names or aliases associated with the SSN. These are all key factors in determining court jurisdictions that should be researched for criminal records over the past 7 years. Highlights of our report include:
- In-depth period coverage of up to 10 years for a more accurate and complete search.
- Information on the validity of SSN, other possible names or addresses associated with a SSN and the state and year of issuance.
- Reports that are comprehensive and easy to read and understand.
The Social Security trace is an investigative starting point that provides a more complete background search when combined with additional screening services. Results of the SSN trace are interfaced into our reporting system instantly for quick analysis and determination of other names and jurisdictions to be searched.
Credit Report – Employment Purpose
A consumer credit report typically contains four types of information;
- First, it gives identifying data, such as name, Social Security Number, and past addresses. It corroborates past employment, identity and residency.
- It shows how persons pay their debts. It also shows how much credit a person has been given, how much they currently owe, and whether debts have been paid late or sent to collection.
- It will indicate who has requested a credit report.
- It will report public records such as court judgements, liens and bankruptcies.
Negative information will stay on a report for seven years, and bankruptcies for 10 years (although there are limitations to using a bankruptcy in an employment decision). ScreenThem® interfaces directly with the credit bureau for credit report requests, and results are transmitted within the hour to our secure online system. Credit reports are not emailed to the client, but by client login for retrieval.
To view the list of states with restrictions on the use of credit reports for employment purposes, click here.
Workers Compensation Check
This search provides insight into past worker’s compensation claims filed by the subject. When applicants have filed workers compensation claims against past employers, they often intentionally leave them off of an employment application. Our researchers will verify the information as regulated by the State. We can verify information available such as the status of the date of injury, date employed, maximum medical improvement date, and whether the case is still opened, date of accident, what caused the injury. We will contact the applicant’s compensation commission for their respective State when checking someone’s workers compensation history. In some states, the search of worker’s compensation records must be conducted on a post-hire or post offer basis, and cannot be used on a pre-employment basis to comply with ADA, EEO and other federal and state regulations and statutes.
Federal Bankruptcy
Each of the 94 federal judicial districts handles bankruptcy matters, and in almost all districts, bankruptcy cases are filed in the bankruptcy court. Bankruptcy cases cannot be filed in state court. Bankruptcy laws help people who can no longer pay their creditors get a fresh start by liquidating their assets to pay their debts, or by creating a repayment plan. This search is primarily used in Business background checks.
Liens & Judgments
A lien is the right of a secured creditor to grab a specific item of property if you don’t pay a debt. The Liens database provides filing information from various state and county offices throughout the United States. The types of liens collected are federal tax, state tax, county tax, city tax, state tax warrant. Not all jurisdictions across the U.S. are included in the database. Check with one of our representatives to determine the types of jurisdictions included in the Liens database. The lien search is primarily used for Business Background Checks and business owners.
A judgment is a final court ruling resolving the key questions in a lawsuit and determining the rights and obligations of the opposing parties. The Judgments database provides filing information on civil judgments, judgment notes, default judgments, summary judgments, declaratory judgments, consent judgments, judgment confessions, small claims, civil special, child support payments, deficiency, foreclosures, forcible entry/detainer, civil new filings, civil dismissal, vacated/appealed, abstract of judgment, and domestic divorce judgments from various county offices throughout the United States.
E-Verify (I-9 Verification)
The Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration have designated SCREENTHEM® as an agent on behalf of its clients to confirm the employment eligibility of all newly hired employees. While employers are only responsible to examine the documents provided with the I-9 form, an I-9 Employment Verification verifies eligibility to work in the United States, verifies that the name and Social Security Number match, verifies the Social Security Number for wage reporting purposes, discourages the use of false documentation and limits penalties due to the violation of hiring and/or employment eligibility laws. The search must be conducted post-hire and within three days of the employee’s start date.