Civil & Criminal History
Our network of professional court researchers, covers all 3,200+ county court jurisdictions across the country, and our background check will indicate if a subject has a felony or misdemeanor filing within the last seven years.
County Criminal Record Search
ScreenThem® offers criminal record searches in all fifty states. This consists of an on-site manual search of the superior, upper, lower, and/or municipal court records, in compliance with legally available research procedures, in each county court jurisdiction nationwide. Our network of professional court researchers, covers all 3,200+ county court jurisdictions across the country, and will indicate if a subject has a felony or misdemeanor filing within the last seven years, or longer if the record includes a legally reportable conviction. Completed reports consist of all available and legally reportable information, typically including date of arrest, date of filing, charges, level of the charges, disposition date and final disposition of the charges and any applicable sentence or penalty. Results are reported in an easy to read format. Our researchers’ double check for accuracy when inputting results and will take extra steps to ensure that this is your applicant if there are any discrepancies.
Federal Criminal
Record Search
ScreenThem® will provide a Federal Criminal Records search with a seven year history. This search lists criminal filings in any of the nation’s federal district courts. Available court case information varies from state to state and ranges from the dates of 1980 to the present. Federal records are located in the US District Courts and reflect cases that are violations of federal law. There are many crimes that do not fall under local laws. These cases involve drug trafficking, embezzlement, kidnapping, bank robbery and many other “white collar” crimes.
Statewide Criminal Search
ScreenThem® offers Criminal searches in all states where statewide criminal data is available. The types of crimes reported, jurisdictions covered and data sources vary for each state. The types of crimes reported, jurisdictions covered and data sources vary for each state. State repositories provide statewide searches of criminal convictions; however, ScreenThem® cautions clients about state repositories because very few of them are accurate and up to date. Except where the repository is updated daily, state repository searches should not replace county criminal searches. They may, however, be used in conjunction with county searches for a thorough investigation. While the source records for a statewide search may include expanded information, SCREENTHEM® can only issue reports that comply with state law and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Nationwide Criminal
Database Search
NOTE: This service “used by itself” is a Non-FCRA Compliant Product. The “End User” is responsible for ensuring record accuracy before taking adverse action against the consumer. In order for Screenthem® to ensure this product is FCRA Compliant, the “End User” must authorize additional on-site research on all hits for record accuracy
Civil Records Search
ScreenThem® will provide a Civil Court Files/Record search. Civil searches are conducted in the lower and upper courts of each jurisdiction requested. A civil search will cover a lawsuit filed for damages, bankruptcy, personal injury etc. where a plaintiff feels a defendant has violated a civil law or code and seeks compensation by legal means. Our civil searches also include judgment information. Civil suits may also follow criminal cases for damages incurred by the criminal offense. Record information is usually only verified by name, and sometimes an address will accompany a civil record. Based on the lack of identifying data, we cannot always guarantee that this is your candidate.
Sex Offender Registry
The Multi-State Sex Offender database search provides sex offender case information in an easy–to–read report. Our extensive search capabilities check registered sex offender data sources nationwide, such as: Bureaus of Investigation, Departments of Law Enforcement, Departments of Corrections, Departments of Justice, Departments of Public Safety, Sheriff’s Departments, State Attorney General’s Offices, and State Police. This database is compiled from violent and sex offender registries in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.